Bacaan lanjut Undang-undang Amerika Syarikat

  • Cardozo, Benjamin N. (1957). An Introduction to Law. Cambridge: Harvard Law Review Association. (Chapters by eight distinguished American judges).
  • Hart, H.L.A. (1961). The Concept of Law. Oxford University Press. (Classic text on "what is law?")
  • Llewellyn, Karl N. (1986). "The Bramble Bush," in Karl N. Llewellyn on Legal Realism. Birmingham, AL: Legal Classics Library. (Classic introductory text on the nature of law).
  • Nizer, Louis (1978). My Life in Court. New York: Jove. (Popular description of a lawyer's practice).
  • Pound, Roscoe (1997). Social Control Through Law. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers. (Nature of law and its role in society).
  • Schwartz, Bernard (1974). The Law in America. New York: American Heritage Publishing Co. (Evolution of American legal institutions since 1790).